Essential Reading
Readings on Internationalization, Partnerships, and Higher Education in the United States and Japan
Altbach, Philip G. 2013. The International Imperative in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Pubs.
Altbach, Philip G., Liz Reisberg, & Laura E. Rumbley. 2009. Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking a Revolution. Report Prepared for UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education. Paris: UNESCO.
Altbach, Philip G. & Jane Knight. 2010. The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivations and Realities. Journal of Studies in International Education 11:290-305.
Altbach, Philip G. & Ulrich Teichler. 2001. Internationalization and Exchanges in a Globalized University. Journal of Studies in International Education 5:5-25.
Altbach, Philip G. & Toru Umakoshi. 1997. Asymmetry and Imbalance: The Knowledge Network in Japan-United States Relations. Journal of Studies in International Education 1:1-20.
American Council on Education. 2012. Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses. Washington DC.
Anderson, Lynn, ed. 2005. Internationalizing Undergraduate Education: Integrating Study Abroad into the Curriculum. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Aoki, Kumiko. 2005. Japanese Higher Education Institutions in the 21st Century: The Challenge of Globalization and Internationalization electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies. Discussion paper 7.
Asaoka, Takako & Jun Yano. 2009. The Contribution of “Study Abroad” Programs to Japanese Internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education 13:1174-188.
Ashizawa, Shingo. 2015. Doubling Student Mobility Between Japan and the U.S.: Seeking New Forms of Educational Collaborations. Presentation at Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Annual Conference.
Ashizawa, Shingo and Masahiro Yokota. 2014 留学のインパクトを若い世代へ -グローバル人材5000プロジェクトが目指すもの-[Disseminating the Impact of Study Abroad: What Can We Accomplish through the GJ5000 Project?]. 日本学生支援機構ウェブマガジン『留学交流』2014年10月号 Vol.43 [JASSO Online Journal, International Educational Exchange] 43.
Banks, Clare. 2013. Eight Stages for Developing Institutional International Partnerships. IIE Blog: Opening Minds.
Beck, Kumari. 2012. Globalization/s: Reproduction and Resistance in the Internationalization of Higher Education. Canadian Journal of Education 35:133-148.
Bennesse Education Development Research Center. 2012.『大学データブック2012』[University Data Book]. ベネッセ[Benesse Corporation].
Bennett, Milton J. 2004. Becoming Interculturally Competent. In J.S. Wurzel, ed., Toward Multiculturalism: A Reader in Multicultural Education. Newton, MA: Intercultural Resource Corporation.
Bolin, Mell C. 2007. A Guide to Outcomes Assessment in Education Abroad. Carlisle PA: Forum on Education Abroad.
Brewer, Elizabeth & Kiran Cunningham, eds. 2009. Integrating Study Abroad into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Breit, Rhonda, Levi Obijiofor, & Richard Fitzgerald. 2013. Internationalization as De-Westernization of the Curriculum. Journal of Studies in International Education 17:119- 135.
Bringle, Robert G., Julie A. Hatcher, & Steven Jones, eds. International Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Research. Sterling VA: Stylus.
British Council. 2014. Japan: Debunking the “Inward-looking” Myth. Education Intelligence Report.
Cabinet Office. 2014.『平成26年版 少子化社会対策白書』[White Paper on Measures to Cope with the Society with Declining Birthrate].
Cabinet Office. 2014.『平成25年度 我が国と諸外国の若者の意識に関する調査』[Survey on the Perceptions of Young People in Japan and Foreign Countries].
Cerego Japan. 2013.『米国主要大学41校―海外留学に必要なTOEFLスコア調査2013』[Survey on the TOEFL Score Requirements for Studying Abroad at Fourteen American Major Universities].年6月29日検索)[Retrieved June 29, 2014 from]
Chan, Wendy W. Y. 2004. International Cooperation in Higher Education: Theory and Practice. Journal of Studies in International Education 8:32-55.
Chen, L. & Isa, M. 2003. Intercultural Communication and Cultural Learning: The Experience of Japanese Visiting Students in the U.S. Howard Journal of Communications 14:75-96.
Chieffo, L. & L. Griffiths. 2004. Large-scale Assessment of Student Attitudes after a Short-term Study Abroad Program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 10:165-177.
Council for Asian Gateway Initiative. 2007. Economic and Fiscal Reform 2008.
CULCON. 2013. Education Task Force Report. Washington DC and Tokyo: United States – Japan Conference on Cultural & Educational Interchange.
Deardorff, Darla K. 2006. Identification and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as a Student Outcome of Internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education 10:241-266.
Deardorff, Darla K., ed. 2009. The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Sage Pubs.
Deardorff, Darla K., Hans de Wit, John D. Heyl, & Tony Adams, eds. 2012. The Sage Handbook of International Higher Education. Sage Pubs.
Department of Education, United States. 2012. Succeeding Globally through International Education and Engagement: International Strategy 2012-2016. Washington DC.
de Wit, Hans. 2002. Internationalization of Higher Education in the United States of America and Europe: A Historical, Comparative, and Conceptual Analysis. Westport CT: Greenwood Studies in Higher Education.
de Wit, Hans. 2004. Academic Alliances and Networks: A New Internationalization Strategy in Response to the Globalization of our Societies. In D. Theather, ed., Consortia, International Networking, and Alliances of Universities. Melbourne: University of Melbourne.
de Wit, Hans. 2005. English as the Common Language in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. In M. Woolf, ed., I gotta use words when I talk to you: English and International Education, pp. 3-13. Amsterdam: The European Association for International Education (EAIE) Occasional Paper 17.
de Wit, Hans, Fiona Hunter, Linda Johnson, & Hans-Georg van Liempd, eds. 2013. Possible Futures: The Next 25 Years of the Internationalisation of Higher Education. Amsterdam: European Association for International Education (EAIE).
Donohue, Debbie G. & Sabeen Altaf. 2012. Learning by Doing: Expanding International Internship & Work Abroad Opportunities. New York: Institute of International Education.
Eades,J., R. Goodman, & Y. Hada, eds. The “Big Bang” in Japanese Higher Education Reform: The 2004 Reforms and the Dynamics of Change. Melbourne, Australia: Trans Pacific Press.
Ebuchi, K. 1997. 大学国際化の研究. [Research in Internationalization of University] Tokyo: Tamagawa Press.
Edelstein, Richard J. & John Aubrey Douglass. 2013. The International Initiatives of Universities: A Taxonomy of Modes of Engagement and Institutional Logics. Global Higher Education Blog.
Egron-Polak, Eva & Ross Hudson. 2014. Internationalization of Higher Education: Global Trends, Regional Perspectives. 4th Global Survey Report. Paris: International Association of Universities.
Egron-Polak, Eva, ed. 2012. Rethinking Internationalization. Special section of IAU Horizons, Vol. 17, pp. 15-36.
Esaki-Smith, Anna. 2014. Are Japanese Students Happier after They Study Overseas? British Council Blog.
Evers, Nico and Jenneke Lokhoff. 2012. Four Steps for Creating Sustainable Academic Partnerships. European Association of International Education (EAIE).
Farugia, Christine A. & Rajika Bhandari. 2014. Open Doors. New York: Institute of International Education.
Forum on Education Abroad. 2005. A Baseline Survey of Curriculum Integration in Education Abroad. Carlisle PA.
Forum on Education Abroad. 2014. State of the Field Survey Report for 2013. Carlisle PA.
A 2015 Gallup Poll showed Japan to be among the five most favorably viewed nations in the U.S.
Green, Madeleine F. 2012. Measuring and Assessing Internationalization. Washington DC: NAFSA.
Green, Madeleine F. & Robert Shoenberg. 2006. Where Faculty Live: Internationalizing the Disciplines. Washington DC: American Council on Education.
Guth, Sarah & Francesca Helm. 2010. Telecollaboration 2.0: Language, Literacies and Intercultural Learning in the 21st Century. New York: Peter Lang.
Hashimoto, K. 2000. “Internationalisation” is “Japanisation”: Japan’s Foreign Language
Education and National Identity. Journal of Intercultural Studies 21:39-51.
Hawawini, Gabriel. 2011. The Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions: A Critical Review and a Radical Proposal. INSEAD Working Paper.
Heginbotham, Stanley J. 1997. Rethinking Perspectives on Educational “Exchanges with Japan. Journal of Studies in International Education 1:79-94.
Robin Matross Helms. 2015. International Higher Education Partnerships: A Global Review of Standards and Practices. Washington DC: American Council on Education.
Hodson, Peter J. & Harold G. Thomas. 2001. Higher Education as an International Commodity: Ensuring Quality in Partnerships. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 26:101-112.
Hoffa,W.W. 2007. A History of U.S. Study Abroad: Beginnings to 1965. Carlisle PA: Forum on Education Abroad.
Horie, Miki. 2014. Internationalization of Japanese Universities: Learning from the CAMPUS Asia Experience. International Higher Education Vol.78. Boston College Center for International Higher Education.
Hovey, Rebecca & Adam Weinberg. 2009. Global Learning and the Making of Citizen Diplomats. In Ross Lewin, ed., The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad, pp. 33-48. New York: Routledge.
Hovland, Kevin. 2006. Shared Futures: Global Learning and Liberal Education. Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Hovland, Kevin. 2014. Global Learning: Defining, Designing, Demonstrating. Joint publication of NAFSA and the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Huang, Futao. 2006. Internationalization of University Curricula in Japan: Major Policies and Practice since the 1980s. Journal of Studies in International Education 10:102-118.
Huang, Futao. 2006. The Academic Profession in Japan-Major Characteristics and New Changes. In COE Publication Series 20, pp. 195-208. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University Research Institute for Higher Education.
Huang, Futao. 2007. Internationalization of Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: What Have Been Its Implications in China and Japan? Higher Education Management & Policy 19:47-61.
Huang, Futao. 2009. The Internationalization of the Academic Profession in Japan: A Quantitative Perspective. Journal of Studies in International Education 13:143-158.
Hudzik, John K. 2011. Comprehensive Internationalization: From Concept to Action. Washington DC: ΝΑFSΑ.
Hudzik, John K. & JoAnn S. McCarthy. 2012. Leading Internationalization: Strategy and Tactics for Action. Washiington DC: NAFSA.
Hulstrand, Janet. 2012. Curriculum Integration: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint. International Educator May-June, pp 48-51.
Institution of International Education. 1997. Toward Transnational Competence: Rethinking International Education, A U.S.-Japan Case Study. IIE Research Report No. 28. New York.
International Association of Universities. 2012. Affirming Academic Values in Internationalization of Higher Education: A Call for Action.
Ishikawa, Mayumi. 2009. University Rankings, Global Models, and Emerging Hegemony. Journal of Studies in International Education 13:159-173.
Jacoby, Barbara, ed. 2004. Building Partnerships for Service Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Japan Youth Research Institute. 2012. Survey of Youth in Japan, China, South Korea, and the U.S. Tokyo.
JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization)]. 2015. 『平成25年度協定等に基づく日本人学生留学状況調査結果』[Survey on International Students in Japan].
Japan Society for Promotion of Science. 2010. University Internationalization within Global Society: Recommendations for Internationalizing Japanese Universities. Strategic Fund for Establishing International Headquarters in Universities (SIH) Final Report. Tokyo.
Jones, Elspeth. 2013. Internationalisation and Student Learning Outcomes. In de Wit, Hans, ed. An Introduction to Higher Education Internationalisation. Milan: Vita e Pensiero.
Jones, Leo. 2007. The Student-Centered Classroom. Cambridge University Press.
Jung, Insung, Masayuki Kudo, & Sook-Kyoung Choi. 2012. Stress in Japanese Learners Engaged in Online Collaborative Learning in English. British Journal of Educational Technology 43:1016-1029.
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. 1994. Collaborative Advantage: The Art of Alliances. Harvard Business Review 72:96-108.
Kazuhiro Yoshida, Kazuhiro, Takako Yuki, & Nozomi Sakata. 2013. Analysis of Cross-Border Higher Education for Regional Integration and Labor Market in East Asia: The Case of an Evolving Malaysia-Japan Project. Tokyo: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute Working Papers No. 52.
Kinser, Kevin & Madeleine F. Green. 2009. The Power of Partnerships: A Transatlantic Dialogue. Washington DC: American Council on Education.
Kitamura, K. 1989. 大学教育の国際化:外から見た日本の大学[Internationalization in University Education: Japanese Universities Observed from Outside the Country] Revised Edition. Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
Knight, Jane. 2008. Higher Education in Turmoil: The Changing World of Internationalization. Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Pubs.
Jane Knight & Hans de Wit, eds., Internationalisation of Higher Education in Asia Pacific Countries, pp. 100-101. Amsterdam: European Association of International Education (EAIE).
Kobayashi, Tetsuya. 1986. The Internationalisation of Japanese Education. Comparative Education 22:65-71.
Kobayashi, Akira]. 2011.「日本人学生の海外留学阻害要因と今後の対策 [Factors Preventing Japanese Students to Study Abroad and Implications for the Future]. 日本学生支援機構ウェブマガジン『留学交流』2011年5月号 Vol.2 [JASSO Online Journal, International Educational Exchange] 2.
Kuder, Matthias, Nina Lemmens, & Daniel Obst. 2014. Global Perspectives on International Joint and Double Degree Programs. New York: Institute of International Education.
Kudo, Kazuhiro & Hiroko Hashimoto. 2011. Internationalization of Japanese Universities: Current Status and Future Directions. In Simon Marginson, Sarjit Kaur, & Erlenawati Sawir, eds., Higher Education in the Asia Pacific, pp. 343-359. Berlin: Springer.
Kuwamura, Akira. 2008. 国立大学法人における国際オフィスの現状分析と展望 : 専門分野としての国際教育交流の視点から[Organizational Structures and Functions of International Program Office at Japanese National Universities: Issues and Suggestions]. Bulletin of Yamagata University, Educational Science 14: 325-358.
Kuwamura, Akira. 2009. The Challenges of Increasing Capacity and Diversity in Japanese Higher Education through Proactive Recruitment Strategies. Journal of Studies in International Education 13:189-202.
Kuwamura, Akira. 2015. English-Medium Instruction (EMI) and Its Effect on Student Learning in Japanese Higher Education. Presentation at Asia-Pacific Association for International Education, Beijing.
Kytle, Jackson. 2012. Best Practices in Change Management: Critical Process Variables. Advanced Group.
Lassegard, J.P. 2006. International Student Quality and Japanese Education Reform. Journal of Studies in International Education 10:119-140.
Leask, Betty. 2012. Internationalisation of the Curriculum in Action. Australian Government, Office for Learning and Teaching.
Leask, Betty. 2013. Internationalizing the Curriculum in the Disciplines – Imagining New Possibilities. Journal of Studies in International Education 17:103-118.
Leask, Betty 2015. Internationalization of the Curriculum in Context. London: Routledge.
Lenz, R. and C. Machado. 2006. Virtual Teamwork: A Product of Globalization Implications for University Education. Rochester NY: Social Science Research Network.
Lewin, Ross. 2009. The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and Quest for Global Citizenship. Oxford: Taylor and Francis.
Long, Susan Orpett, Yemi Susan Akande, R.W. Purdy, & Keiko Nakano. 2010. Deepening Learning and Inspiring Rigor: Bridging Academic and Experiential Learning Using a Host Country Approach to a Study Tour Journal of Studies in International Education 14:89-111.
McVeigh, B. J. 2004. Foreign Language Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: The Humanistic Vision or Nationalistic Utilitarianism. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 3:211-227.
Mestenhauser, Josef A. and Brenda J. Ellingboe, eds. 1998. Reforming the Higher Education Curriculum: Internationalizing the Campus. Washington DC: American Council on Education.
Mezirow, Jack. 2000. Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Central Council for Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). 2003. 新たな留学生政策の展開について [On the Development of New Policies for International Student Exchange]. Tokyo.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). 2008. 留学生30万人計画の骨子 [Outline of the “300,000 International Students Plan”] Tokyo.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Higher Education Policy Planning Division, Higher Education Bureau. 2014.『海外の大学との大学間交流協定、海外における拠点に関する調査結果』[Report on the Survey on the Exchange Agreement with Universities Abroad and University Bases Overseas]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), University Promotion Division, Higher Education Bureau. 2014. 大学における教育内容等の改革状況について(平成24年度)』[Status on the Reform of the Contents of Education at Universities]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Cabinet Secretariat, Cabinet Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), , Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (MHLW), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan Tourism Agency. 2014.『若者の海外留学促進実行計画』[Implementation Plan to Promote Young People to Study Abroad] 文部科学省高等教育局学生・留学生課[Student and International Student Section, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)].
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). 2015. The Number of Japanese Nationals Studying Overseas and the Annual Survey of International Students in Japan. Tokyo.
Ministry of Justice, Japan. 2015.『平成26年度版 出入国管理』 [Immigration Control Report].
Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan. 2010. Develop Global Human Resources through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration.
Moore, Alexandra Schultheis & Sunka Simon, eds. 2015. Globally Networked Teaching in the Humanities: Theories and Practices. New York: Routledge.
Musil, Caryn McTighe. 2006. Assessing Global Learning: Matching Good Intentions with Good Practice. Washington DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities.
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NAFSA. 2008. Strengthening Study Abroad: Recommendations for Effective Institutional Management. Task Force on Institutional Management of Study Abroad. Washington DC.
NAFSA. 2009. Managing Education Abroad: How to Overcome Key Barriers to Education Abroad. Washington DC.
Nakanishi, Toru. 2014.「「質」が問われる海外留学」[ The “Quality” of Study Abroad is Called in Question].『WEDGE』6月号,40-44, 株式会社ウェッジ[Wedge, June issue, pp. 40-44].
National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. 2011. Digest of Education Statistics (Foreign Language Study in the U.S.). Washington DC.
Ninomiya, Akira, Jane Knight, & Aya Watanabe. 2009. The Past, Present, and Future of Internationalization in Japan. Journal of Studies in International Education 13:117-124.
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Olcott, Don. 2008. Managing International Partnerships. London: The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education.
Olson, Christa Lee. 2012. A Canadian Lens on Facilitating Factors for North American Partnerships. Journal of Studies in International Education 17:228-243.
Olson, Christa L., Green, Madeleine F., & Barbara Hill. 2006. Handbook for Advancing Comprehensive Internationalization: What Institutions Can Do and What Students Should Learn. Washington DC: American Council on Education.
Ota, Hiroshi. 2011.「大学国際化の動向及び日本の現状と課題:東アジアとの比較から」[Trends of Internationalization of Higher Education and Current Status and Issues in Japan: Comparison with East Asian Countries]『メディア教育研究』[Journal of Multimedia Education Research] 8(1).
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Ota, Hiroshi. 2014. Japanese Universities’ Strategic Approach to Internationalization: Accomplishments and Challenges, In A. Yonezawa, Y. Kitamura, A. Meerman, & K. Kuroda. eds., Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education, pp.227-252. Berlin: Springer.
Ota, Hiroshi. 2014. 日本人学生の内向き志向に関する一考察 : 既存のデータによる国際志向性再考[A Study on the Inward-looking Mindset of Japanese Students: Revisiting Students’ International Mindset with Existing Data]. 日本学生支援機構ウェブマガジン『留学交流』Vol.40 [JASSO Online Journal, International Educational Exchange] 40.
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Rizvi, Fazal. 2007. Internationalization of Curriculum: A Critical Perspective. In M. Hayden, J. Levy, & J. Thompson, eds., Sage Handbook of Research in International Education. Los Angeles CA: Sage Pubs.
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Salisbury, Mark H., Paul D. Umbach, Michael B. Paulsen, & Ernest T. Pascarella. 2009. Going Global: Understanding the Choice Process of the Intent to Study Abroad Research in Higher Education 50:119-143.
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Yonezawa, A., Y. Kitamura, A. Meerman, & K. Kuroda, eds. 2014. Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education. Amsterdam: Springer.
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Zimitat, Craig. 2008. Capturing Community of Practice Knowledge for Student Learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 44:321-330.