Understanding U.S. and Japanese Systems of Higher Education
International partnerships bring together institutions representing two different systems of higher education. This is part of their value, for they infuse new perspectives and ideas across these boundaries. It is also part of the background that each partner must master to construct effective collaborations. Having broad knowledge of the range and goals of the other nation’s colleges and universities also opens up a host of potential partner institutions, some of which might previously have escaped your notice.
The authoritative sources below can start your journey into the structure and range of institutions in each nation, as can the summary found in the CULCON Educational Task Force report.
Japanese higher education
Higher Education in Japan (MEXT – Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, and Technology)
Statistics (MEXT – Ministry of Education, Sports, Science, and Technology)
Higher Education System in Japan (JapanEducation.Info)
General Information on Study in Japan (JASSO – Japanese Student Services Organization)
U.S. higher education
Information for International Educators (U.S. Department of Education)
An Overview of Higher Education in the United States (American Council on Education)
The U.S. Educational System (EducationUSA)
Understanding U.S. Higher Education (EducationUSA)
The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education
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