Contact: Debra Nakama < >
Partners: Tohoku Planetary Science Program
Tradition and Technology
Maui is home to Science City or more formally known as the Haleakala High Altitude Observatory. Mount Haleakala, the 10,000 feet dormant volcano, dominates Maui’s central plain above green fields of sugarcane. The name Haleakala comes from an ancient Hawaiian myth which describes the demi¬god Maui throwing a fishing net and snaring the sun gradually bringing it down ...READ MORE »
Contact: Judy Ensing < >
Partners: Meiji University partnered with the University of Hawaii Outreach College, which in turn facilitated the program by collaborating with the Shidler College of Business, the School of Travel Industry Management, and other academic departments at UHM.
When officials of Meiji University approached the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) with their vision to combine an academic study abroad experience with internships in the local community, Outreach College welcomed the opportunity to bring together the various academic departments and services that such a customized program would entail.
Ten carefully selected Meiji University students representing a variety of major ...READ MORE »
Contact: Yuiko Yamawaki < >
Partners: Kōchi University and University of Rhode Island
Kōchi University (KU) has 58 university-level partnerships with institutions outside Japan, but until last year only one was with a university in the U.S. To increase collaboration and exchange with the U.S., KU developed a new partnership in June 2015, one that built on a strong connection between one of its professors and a faculty member at the University of ...READ MORE »
Contact: Steve Jacques < >
Partners: Josai International University, Chiba, Japan
Leeward Community College has an articulation agreement with Josai International University (JIU) through which JIU accepts Leeward students who have completed their AA degrees (or min 60 credits) into third year status in the JIU English-language BA program. Leeward CC has a particularly strong and popular Japanese language department, and there are many students interested in studying in Japan. Since ...READ MORE »
Contact: Kimura Spencer < >
Every March, the University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law offers a study tour to provide Japanese law students with a hands-on comparative view between the Japanese legal system and the American legal system. Japanese law students are able to meet with students from other Japanese universities and interact with American law students. We also provide a tailored ...READ MORE »