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Umeko Tsuda and another student in her dormitory room at Bryn Mawr College, c. 1890

Photo courtesy of Bryn Mawr College Archives



Best Practices:
Full Circle with
Bryn Mawr College
and Tsuda College

Bryn Mawr’s 360o program is a new interdisciplinary, multi-course, thematic experience now embedded in the century-old partnership between Bryn Mawr and Tsuda. The 360o program offers clusters of 2-3 courses that focus on a common problem or theme – interweaving different disciplinary perspectives to achieve big-picture thinking. Of the 19 clusters offered since the program began in 2010, three have focused on Japan, and two have included a study trip to Japan (done in the middle of the semester). One of these clusters combined East Asian Studies, Art History, and the Cities program to examine disasters and rebuilding in Japan. Read more »